Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do not Expect a lot!

Sometimes, we ought to expect something which we really feel as something to cherish....
It was something special that may bring our heart to the highest pinnacle of joy!
We really expect a lot on it that we may even can't sleep at night because of our expectations- something that interests us! But what if those what you expected a lot will not come anymore or will just vanish with just a wink of an eye?? It was sad- very very sad, right??
Have you ever tried or experienced expecting and it does not made come true????
It feels like weighing the whole world upon your shoulder..
It was very sad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blissful Sunday

I was glad that Sunday has come. I rested this day and found it to be peaceful.
I was also glad since my aunt gave me money though it was not that big amount but it gave me such happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Song That Inspires Me

by: Martin Nievera

When you wake up each morning
And you feel like calling
I'll be there for you
When the road seems uncertain
And you can't stop the hurtin'
I'll be there for you

When there's no one beside you
I'll be there to guide you
Catch you each time you fall
When the stars won't shine anymore
I'll be there...

When the world's unkind
And your dreams, they need more time
I'll be there for you

If the rules they keep breaking
And the future is fading
I'll be there for you

The rainbow will end
In the palm of your hand
Don't ever let it go
When the stars won't shine anymore
I'll be there...

Who knows where we'll go
What will tomorrow bring
But we have each other, just hold on tight
We can take to the skies and fly...

I'll be there for you...
I'll be there for you...

The rainbow will end
In the palm of your hand
Don't ever let it go
When the stars won't shine anymore
I'll be there...

I'll be there.........
read more....

My Merry Christmas

Christmas Myspace Comments

I was very enjoy this Christmas season. I celebrated it with my family, grandparents and relatives. It was of fun. I received many gifts this Christmas..hehe..
We prepared lots of food...
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is so Great!!!!!!!!!!!

God is so great that He was always there in my side. He poured me countless blessings.
He was a great Savior!........ He died for His people... What a great love He had for us!!!!!!!!!!

Wishful Wednesday

I really want to fulfill my studies. I wish I could be able to have a good job after graduation.
It's really my dream to have a good life with my family and visit other countries.

I Found it Terrific !!!!!!!!

It was Saturday. I and my cousins decided to go to the river. There, we really enjoyed and loved swimming. It was very fun!!!!!!!
When suddenly, I drowned and almost can't be able to breathe. I thought I will leave everything on earth at that moment.
It was so terrific!!!!!!!!!!